About me

Speaking from another place

Hello, are you still there?..

I had almost forgotten about this blog until a few days ago, when we had to Google ourselves in class. As I was digging further and further into the search engine, I feared I would find this blog. Fortunately, I didn’t.

As those of you, who have been around for a while know, this blog has been like a diary to me. I have shared the ups and downs in a period of my life, where things weren’t always easy. This has been an outlet, when I didn’t feel I had any in real life.

A lot have changed since then. And those entries are now hidden away in the unposted folder, but not deleted. They are a part of the person I was back then, and when I look back, it’s obvious to me how much growing I’ve been doing in that time.

You might hear more from me in the future, as I have a voice who wants to speak and fingers that love to type.


Love, A

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